Gerund or infinitive elementary exercises pdf

There are explanations and example sentences at the top of the page followed by 2 exercises in which students are asked to fill the gaps using the gerund, to infinitive or bare infinitive of the verbs in brackets and finish the sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the ones given. In pairs or small groups, students talk about the questions in the boxes, paying special attention to the verb pattern normally infiniti. Gerunds and infinitives esl activities games worksheets. Exercise 3 in pdf here choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs. At intermediate level and above, these verb patterns will be useful. Welcome to esl printables, the website where english language teachers exchange resources. They may function as subjects or objects in a sentence. Jan 06, 2017 gerund infinitive elementary pre intermediate test 99 multiple choice questions with answers gerund infinitive elementary pre intermediate test. Infinitive gerund english exercises for all levels. For others, we can use perfect gerund infinitive forms to express the past.

Two easy exercises to improve the use of the gerund and to express likes and. Get page and check your text using a unique contextual grammar and spell checker. Forget with the infinitive means something happens at or after a certain time. Some verbs can take both gerunds and infinitives, with only a slight difference in the meaning as explained in part i above.

Infinitive or gerundenglish learn english other english exercises on the same topic. Gerund and infinitive worksheet in this printable worksheet, the rules for using gerunds and infinitives will be explained in detail. Gerunds vs infinitives 6 advanced gerunds vs infinitives exercise 7. Gerund and infintive b1 pdf worksheets english practice. Gerund and infinitive worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. English esl gerund worksheets most downloaded 286 results. This exercise practices the use of infinitive, gerund and base form of the verb. After the main verb, both gerunds and infinitives can be used. Apr 15, 2012 exercises gerund or infinitive grammar exercise. Gerund and infinitive pdf worksheets english vocabulary and. Gerund and infinitive exercises perfect english grammar. Infinitive and gerund infinitive after an adjective example. When to use gerund or infinitive in the table below, you can see when to use gerund or infinitive. Grammarbank pdf ebooks click here grammarbank exercises ebook.

Gerund or infinitive students have to use gerund or infinitives in the following sentences. A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach gerunds and infinitives, shared by english language teachers. English practice downloadable pdf grammar and vocabulary worksheets. Grammar quiz gerunds and infinitives complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives. Ing vs to infinitive verbs two exercises to practice gerunds and infinitives. Downloadable grammar sheets and online exercises gerund and infinitive worksheets gerund and infinitive worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and. Complete multiplechoice gerunds and infinitives test covering all uses.

The explanation will be followed by two practice activities with these grammar forms. Note that help can also be followed by the infinitive without to with no difference in meaning. Verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives. Gerund infinitive gi 4 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form. Gerunds and infinitives exercise with answers 2 fill in the blanks with gerund or infinitive form of the verbs. Gerunds vs infinitive verb forms this exercise is to exercise the students use of various verbs which preceed either gerund or. Intermediate grammar infinitive or gerund exercise esl. Here is a printable gerunds and infinitives worksheet to test students knowledge of gerunds and infinitives with to. We can use an object before the infinitive with these verbs.

Grammar gerunds and infinitives learning how to use gerunds and infinitives is one of the most challenging aspects of learning english. Gerund and infinitive pdf worksheets english vocabulary. English esl gerunds and infinitives worksheets most downloaded. Gerund it is a verb form which ends in ing and works as a noun in the following cases. Downloadable grammar sheets and online exercises gerund and infinitive worksheets gerund and infinitive worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. The main verb in the sentence determines whether you use a gerund or an infinitive. Provide the students with blank paper, pencils, and markers, crayons, and or. Provide the students with blank paper, pencils, and markers, crayons, andor. Infinitives and gerunds verb patterns test english. Gi003 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form intermediate. Gerunds vs infinitives fill in the blanks exercise, use correct tenses passive or active form. Reference chart gerunds and infinitives rules on how to form sentences with verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives print in bw.

Rules for using gerunds and infinitives to describe an action. Exercise 2 in pdf here choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs. Get keyboard and check your text using a unique contextual grammar and spell checker. The first one is related to verb patterns, the second one to prepositions. Gerunds and infinitives exercises perfect english grammar. Multiple choice, fill in the word, select from drop down.

It also talks about cultural differences, good and bad manners around the world. Students complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Common verbs followed by a gerund some common verbs that are followed by gerund are. Exercise 4 in pdf here choose a gerund or infinitive when it changes the meaning.

Grammar exercises complete the sentences using a gerund or an infinitive. Go to the main gerunds and infinitives explanation page here. Choose the correct answer for each gap below, then click the check button to check your answers. Review the definition of a gerund, examples of sentences with gerunds, and the relationship between verbs and gerunds. Check the correct answers to this exercise choose the right answers to complete the following sentences in english. English exercise infinitive or gerund created by felin with the test builder. The doctor encouraged his patients to eat healthy food. The second of the gerund and infinitive exercises is a multiple choice and you need to choose the correct answer. Gerunds infinitives esl activities worksheets games. Grammar quiz gerunds and infinitives all things grammar. Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of gerunds and. Verbs that take gerund or infinitive with a change of meaning. English esl gerunds and infinitives, upperintermediate b2. Gerunds and infinitives pdf worksheets english grammar pdf.

Infinitive or gerund english learn english other english exercises on the same topic. Verb patterns gerunds and infinitives tiny tefl teacher. A collection of english esl gerunds and infinitives worksheets for home. Infinitive in english explanations along with tests and exercises online to practise using infinitive and gerund in english. A collection of english esl gerunds and infinitives, upperintermediate b2 worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english cla. Exercise 1 in pdf here choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs. Home page grammar exercises intermediate infinitive or gerund exercise infinitive or gerund exercise choose a verb from the table and put it into the sentences below, choosing carefully either the infinitive or the gerund form. The students complete each sentence with the verb in brackets in its gerund or infinitive form. Regret with the infinitive is used to give bad news in a formal, polite way.

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